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Forum pentru arta. In special scris, literatura, rpg. Fuck this mental prohibiton.

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    Thor - I will not bow, I will fight until the end

    MaryBoleyn - Moderator
    MaryBoleyn - Moderator
    Published Writer.
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    Mesaje : 796
    Data de inscriere : 21/10/2011
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    Localizare : Everywhere. 8->

    Thor - I will not bow, I will fight until the end  Empty Thor - I will not bow, I will fight until the end

    Mesaj  MaryBoleyn - Moderator Sam Iun 02, 2012 2:17 pm

    Odin put his foot on the huge bridge that was separating the two big worlds: Asgard and Midgard.
    “Bifrost” , he said on a melancholic tone, like he was saying a memory, like the bridge wasn’t in front of him and its colors weren’t playing under his feet.
    He turned back to meet Volstagg sight. Odin nodded and remembered that he was having only a man with him in all this madness, in all this fight. A fight for peace. A fight which must be won for the safety of Asgard. “If I won’t be the king of Asgard, then no one will be.”
    “Maybe this is the last time when I will see this bridge...and maybe I will never return from there, even though I promise I will do my best.” Odin said on a unsecure tone. "Why do I think this? I am Odin , the King of Asgard."
    "We will win!"

    Mesaje : 15
    Data de inscriere : 01/06/2012
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    Thor - I will not bow, I will fight until the end  Empty Re: Thor - I will not bow, I will fight until the end

    Mesaj  ~Pain~ Sam Iun 02, 2012 2:35 pm

    Taking the strong gaze of Asgard into his chest. Volstagg thought of his old times, when he was not part of the three champions. He saw Odin, The Allfather, in way that he hasn't been seen before which made Volstagg drown.. in the labyrinth of time.. But that was his fate, he swore to die with his axe and ale in his hands and there was no better death than dying beside Odin's strong arm.
    "We must go, dusk is coming" - he said with no hesitation in his voice
    "By dawn, the blood of the frost giants shall be split and the sun shall rise red or we.. We'll die trying!!"
    And he set foot on bifrost, standing by for Odin's order to Heimdall.

    Ultima editare efectuata de catre ~Pain~ in Dum Iun 03, 2012 7:05 am, editata de 1 ori
    MaryBoleyn - Moderator
    MaryBoleyn - Moderator
    Published Writer.
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    Mesaje : 796
    Data de inscriere : 21/10/2011
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    Thor - I will not bow, I will fight until the end  Empty Re: Thor - I will not bow, I will fight until the end

    Mesaj  MaryBoleyn - Moderator Dum Iun 03, 2012 2:41 am

    Odin faked a smile. "Like we have always done."
    "But we can't do it alone. There are many frost giants and we can't win if we go only you and me. Then our blood will be splited on the ice. On their ice.
    He striked his weapon on the brigde and all from the sudden more than one hundred soldiers from Asgard appeared in his back.
    "If they want to start a new iceage, at least I know that we will be there to stop it."
    He saggled on his horse and looked behind and he saw that all the soldiers were doing the same. The horse started to run at his command and so did the others. In less than a second they arrived in front of Heimdall, the Gatekeeper. Odin went in front of him and with a voice worthy of a King said:
    "Take us to Jotunheim. Take us to victory."

    King Laufey was standing in front of the population of Jotunheim. He laughed devilish.
    "You are my kingdom. You are my humans." he shouted so that every human could hear his voice.
    He saw that the world was shouting him back and then he got angrier. His anger was presence in his red eyes and he seemed to melt because of it.
    "How can they only think not to obey me?" he said irritated to one of his Front Giants.
    "They mustn't think about that. We will destroy every part of human who won't obey you."
    Laufey smiled devilish and his hand became a stake made of ice and he could feel the fear of the population from Jotunheim.
    "Yes. They are afraid, but this is not going to make me stand back of what I have planned." said Laufey and the Frost Giants from his back agreed by leaving their had down.
    "Let them freeze so that they know the power of King Laufey"
    With this words the Frost Giants made a step forth and with their magic half of the population of Jotunheim (the seas, the boats, the people) was frozen. Laufey smiled hellish. "Welcome to Jotunheim."

    Mesaje : 15
    Data de inscriere : 01/06/2012
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    Thor - I will not bow, I will fight until the end  Empty Re: Thor - I will not bow, I will fight until the end

    Mesaj  ~Pain~ Dum Iun 03, 2012 8:00 am

    "So shall it be, Allfather" - Heimdall said
    "But, remember, every light is just a mumble of the dead, a hood that hides the time that has been driven by the strong breath of the frost. Should your men follow the light, they shall live the once great battle of those who have turned to icy dust."
    With his iron grasp, Heimdall made the bridge open, mumbling "Open to the great world of frost giants, bringers and creators of the branch of ice!"

    Volstagg followed Odin, to Jotunheim. As soon as he crossed the great rainbow bridge, he scouted the area and the large army of frost giants were waiting on the other side of the icy canyon.
    " Let's give them a swift death so that I henceforth go back and make ale fall down my throat!" - he said bravely and selfish as if there were only a hand of those icy skins on the other side
    He took the huskarl, the riders and shouted:
    " For Odin, and for the seeds of our home, For Asgard!! "

    The frost giants were sure to win the battle, but they feared Odin for he was the one to turn the tide of the battle and so they focused their champion's attacks on the Allfather.
    MaryBoleyn - Moderator
    MaryBoleyn - Moderator
    Published Writer.
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    Mesaje : 796
    Data de inscriere : 21/10/2011
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    Thor - I will not bow, I will fight until the end  Empty Re: Thor - I will not bow, I will fight until the end

    Mesaj  MaryBoleyn - Moderator Dum Iun 03, 2012 9:46 am

    Odin looked around at the ice which was surrounding him and his man. He made a step forth and looked in the red eyes of the frost giants, especially in Laufey's eyes.
    "You can't control the world! You can't do this!" - he tried to explain to the King of Jotunheim.
    He never wanted this war, he have always wanted to keep the two worlds in peace.
    "There are your humans and a King shouldn't kill them or make them their slaves!"
    The Allfather trained the Gungnir upon Laufey and then upon all the frost giants he could see. "They are too many. More than us. But we are stronger"

    Laufey began laughing when he heard Odin's words and then he looked back, and by his look all the frost giants began laughing so that the hole Jotunheim - or what was left of it - could hear the devilish laugh of victory, their victory.
    "You, Odin the Allfather, King of Asgard, are telling me how to control my world? My population? My Giants?" Laufey shouted out loud with a bossy voice.
    From a step he was near Odin, almost feeling his breath.
    "This is my world and this is my kingdom! You go back to Asgard and rule your aliens, your Gods!"
    He smiled ironic and then he could see the anger from Odin's eyes.
    "And I don't want to see you again."

    In that moment Odin used the magic from the Gungnir and craked the ice.
    " I won't let you." Odin said and then he turned back and the war began. The Frost Giants were jumbled with the soldiers from Asgard and Odin was staying in front of Laufey waiting for him to make the first move.

    Mesaje : 15
    Data de inscriere : 01/06/2012
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    Thor - I will not bow, I will fight until the end  Empty Re: Thor - I will not bow, I will fight until the end

    Mesaj  ~Pain~ Dum Iun 03, 2012 1:01 pm

    The battle was fierce, every way Volstagg looked upon, was only blood shed.. the sound of sword and axe was like a plague that crawled to Volstagg's ears.
    " Why do I need to bury those who seek nothing but grasping the air that they have rightfully earned?.. Why do I have to take this gust of wind while others perish to defend it?.. It's like drinking ale, bottoms up, till even the last drop falls down the throat.. and what once was in the cup, faded." - he thought all of a sudden
    " Because I enjoy swinging the axe and take all plains of regrets by sheding their sinful blood ! ", and marched with no hesitation to Odin's aid
    He blocked the way between Odin and the frost giants along with the huskarl and not even one cold skin broke through.

    " If Laufey doesn't defeat Odin then we won't stand a chance " - said one of the giants hesitantly
    The giants were numerous, but scattered and they kept falling as if they were rain drops. Victory was far from there, but the asgardians were united and as powerful as thunder.

    MaryBoleyn - Moderator
    MaryBoleyn - Moderator
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    Mesaje : 796
    Data de inscriere : 21/10/2011
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    Thor - I will not bow, I will fight until the end  Empty Re: Thor - I will not bow, I will fight until the end

    Mesaj  MaryBoleyn - Moderator Lun Iun 04, 2012 1:30 am

    Odin looked at the giants which were falling and how Jotunheim remained only cracked ice. He turned his look to Laufey and smiled to him.
    "This is the end, creature that name yourself King."
    He saw Laufey's anger in his ice.
    "I name myself a King, Allfather, and I can assure you that Asgard will fall by my hands." - Laufey said so convinced of his words.
    Odin smiled ironic and pulled the Gungnir in his face and used the magic from it. Laufey fell, gaining up against an ice wall. Odin flew near him and then, with his ice strike, Laufey hurt Odin in his eye.
    "You won't win this battle! I am here and I swear it!" Laufey said.
    Odin came up and put some of the magic from the Gungnir on Laufey and he could hear the shouted of pain which came from Laufey's mouth. He put the Gungnir to Laufeys neck and looked him in his red eyes.
    "I won!" Odin said on a victorious voice.
    Laufey tried to come up, but Odin didn't let him. He commanded to three soldiers to go and take their source of power, the Casket. Laufey begged Odin not to do this and the only thing that Odin did was to smile and keep the Gungnir at his neck. When Odin saw that the Casket was in the asgardians hands he looked at Laufey and made a spell which will keep Laufey down.
    "Asgard will fall by my hands, Odin, the Allfather!" Laufey shouted, as Odin was getting further.
    Odin ignored Laufeys voice and went further .
    "Heimdall, open the Bifrost" he shouted.

    Mesaje : 15
    Data de inscriere : 01/06/2012
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    Thor - I will not bow, I will fight until the end  Empty Re: Thor - I will not bow, I will fight until the end

    Mesaj  ~Pain~ Lun Iun 04, 2012 2:17 am

    Thus Heimdall appeared to Jotunheim and with a strange look he said:
    " You have found the casket.. the casket of eternal winters. The most precious and powerful relic of Jotunheim"
    " Allfather, by bringing the casket to Asgard you risk the very existence of Yggdrasil, the tree of the nine worlds. Those not wary of its power, will fall under its spell and will lose themselves to it. Should the casket be opened, the first step of Ragnarok will cover us and strike at the very core of our wounds.." - Heimdall said very wary of the casket's power
    " You must hide it, there where no one will seek it. The casket must never be opened! " - he said with a loud voice
    And thus he opened the Bifrost hesitantly, yet very decided that Odin will do what's right to be done.

    Wounded, Volstagg took his last bottle of fresh colded ale to drink to victory. And grinning, he said:
    " I told ya we would win... haaa! those frosty pricks didn't know who they were messing with. Let's go back to Asgard! I'm tired of this blasted cold.. I wanna drink without having my ale frozen for a change! "
    Volstagg stood by impatiently for Odin's march, as all of the remaining hand of soldiers.
    MaryBoleyn - Moderator
    MaryBoleyn - Moderator
    Published Writer.
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    Mesaje : 796
    Data de inscriere : 21/10/2011
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    Thor - I will not bow, I will fight until the end  Empty Re: Thor - I will not bow, I will fight until the end

    Mesaj  MaryBoleyn - Moderator Lun Iun 04, 2012 8:09 am

    Odin looked carefully to Heimdall and thought a little bit though they were passing from a world to another. As they arrived to Asgard Odin command to all of the soldiers to go and celebrate for the victory. He turned his look to Heimdall and with a calm voice he said:
    "I appreciate your advice, but here I am the King. In Jotunheim, Laufey is the King and in another world maybe you will be the King. But here, in Asgard, I am the King."
    Then he just sighed.
    "And you really thought that I don't know what power I have stolen from the Frost Giants?" Odin used a straight tone.

    Mesaje : 15
    Data de inscriere : 01/06/2012
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    Thor - I will not bow, I will fight until the end  Empty Re: Thor - I will not bow, I will fight until the end

    Mesaj  ~Pain~ Lun Iun 04, 2012 10:01 am

    " The question is not whether the power is known to you but it is whether you decide to do what needs to be done." - said Heimdall straightforward
    " I do not judge your will Allfather but thy casket has done nothing but harm to everyone who has ever taken possession of it. You know the legends, once it is open, a snowy wasteland will fall upon the land of the bearer. The snowy winds will freeze even the toughest's lungs. You are not the king of Asgard, you're it's holy ruler, the very core of the light that befalls upon Asgard while I'm just the keeper of the bridges, the one that lights the candle of the glassy bricks of the bridges." - he said very seriously
    " I've given you my advice, now I shall take my leave for the bridges do not guard themselves " - Heimdall swiftly said

    MaryBoleyn - Moderator
    MaryBoleyn - Moderator
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    Mesaje : 796
    Data de inscriere : 21/10/2011
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    Thor - I will not bow, I will fight until the end  Empty Re: Thor - I will not bow, I will fight until the end

    Mesaj  MaryBoleyn - Moderator Lun Iun 04, 2012 10:40 am

    Odin faked a smile. Behind that smile were his thoughts of what the Gatekeeper said, imaginatind Asgard as a world of ice. He dismissed that picture from his thoughts and looked to Heimdall.
    "I know the legends, I know what will happen and that's why I got it here. To be safe and not to destroy anything. So don't worry, Gatekeepr, the Casket is in safety in my hands, in Asgard."
    He kept going on the Bifrost Bridge til he reached the palace of Asgard, the real Asgard. He was having the Casket in his hands and he looked straight, ignoring the people looks and going into the room where the weapons were kept. He put the Casket in the middle of the room.
    "You won't be opened. You won't destroy any life."

    Mesaje : 15
    Data de inscriere : 01/06/2012
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    Localizare : Behind your screen

    Thor - I will not bow, I will fight until the end  Empty Re: Thor - I will not bow, I will fight until the end

    Mesaj  ~Pain~ Lun Iun 04, 2012 11:39 am

    Before the feast started, the queen of Asgard made her presence be noticed. She took a seat at the high table and said:
    " Let us honor those who have perished on Jotunheim for they gave it all to grant Asgard a better time. Now let us feast as they do in Valhalla!"

    Volstagg was standing at the table eating ham and drinking wine, as always after a hard fight.
    " Haaa.. this is what I call a feast, drinking cold fresh on the tables of Asgard, it's as if I'm in the great halls of Valhalla.. ha ha"

    MaryBoleyn - Moderator
    MaryBoleyn - Moderator
    Published Writer.
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    Mesaje : 796
    Data de inscriere : 21/10/2011
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    Thor - I will not bow, I will fight until the end  Empty Re: Thor - I will not bow, I will fight until the end

    Mesaj  MaryBoleyn - Moderator Lun Iun 04, 2012 12:14 pm

    Time skip- 10 years. Thor: 22 years old, Loki: 24 years old.

    Thor has prepared for this moment for two weeks. Today was the day when he would be officially the King of Asgard, the Allfather. Today was the day he has been waiting since he was ten years old, since the day he was told that when he would grow up either him or his brother, Loki, will possess the throne, the all power of Asgard and the world will obey in front of one of them. It will be me- that's what Thor said when he was told that story - I will be the King of Asgard; me, son of Odin.
    When he finally took Mjolnir in his hands and prepared to enter in the feast room where every single human of Asgard will be there, hearing him making the oaths.
    "They will be there. My brother will be there to see my victory and my father will be there to name me the King. To give me all the power."
    He inhale the gaze from the room of Asgard and he could have imagined how the feast room will look: all the population of Asgard adjusted in the sign of Asgard, the throne and in front of it his father, in the left his brother wishing him a fake "I am proud of you" and his mother being there, dressed in a beautiful gallant dress and in the right his friends who have always been there for him.
    "They will all be there"- he said looking at the guardian who was faking a smile, but Thor was too happy and excited to say something bad. Not today.
    Thor entered the room, being so nervous, but when he saw the people in there looking at him and, more exactly, waiting for him to come, he just smiled and lifted Mjolnir, receiving all the claps and the shouts.
    He did this and felt so glad to hear that the people loved him as a King.
    "Yes!" - he shouted and smiled in left and right so that all the people from Asgard can see him.
    This is my moment of glory. This is my moment of victory. My moment being the King of Asgard. My first moment.

    Mesaje : 15
    Data de inscriere : 01/06/2012
    Varsta : 28
    Localizare : Behind your screen

    Thor - I will not bow, I will fight until the end  Empty Re: Thor - I will not bow, I will fight until the end

    Mesaj  ~Pain~ Mar Iun 05, 2012 5:03 am

    Looking with a face worthy of envy, Loki stepped forward to his brother to have words. By Ymir and on the sake of Midgard, how could this happen? - he said angrily to himself. How could he lift that hammer?! May the blizzard of Jotunheim make my blood stand still should I not take what is rightfully mine!
    Loki walked slowly and with carefulness to his brother in shape of killing even the Odin's son! Instead he smiled hiding his own thoughts while he was getting closer to Thor.
    "Woe to you, brother...tell me, how did you lift it - he looked down to Mjolnir - the hammer? Thy challenge was made only for you, yet even was perilous and I must say I didn't expect your return, so soon" - he mumbled, grinning hastly.

    Frigga barged in the conversation between the brothers, but she overherad what Loki had told Thor, yet she said nothing.
    "What are my sons doing? The great sons of Asgard?...Celebrating, I presume"- she said, knowing Loki's behaviour.
    "Come feast and forget the matters of Asgard for some time, you deserve it my sons." Frigga said hoping that with this words and naming both of them "son" would help at breaking Loki's envy.

    Ultima editare efectuata de catre ~Pain~ in Mar Iun 05, 2012 5:38 am, editata de 1 ori
    MaryBoleyn - Moderator
    MaryBoleyn - Moderator
    Published Writer.
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    Mesaje : 796
    Data de inscriere : 21/10/2011
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    Localizare : Everywhere. 8->

    Thor - I will not bow, I will fight until the end  Empty Re: Thor - I will not bow, I will fight until the end

    Mesaj  MaryBoleyn - Moderator Mar Iun 05, 2012 5:29 am

    Thor smiled at his brother and nodded.
    "Now, that I returned to Asgard, I am more powerful and Mjolnir is nothing."
    He looked around and showed te people to Loki.
    "I know that this is the day you have been waiting for too, but you thought that it will be you the one who will make the oaths, and the one whose name will be shouted by the people from Asgard."
    Thor gave a harsh laugh and then he shaked his head.
    "I am sorry that you got that dissapointed, brother."
    He tapped Loki on the shoulder and looked down to his hammer.
    "You think it was a big challenge, but it wasn't; not for me...for you it could definitely be" - he said on an ironic tone, trying to get his brother angrier than he figured out he was. He lifted up the hammer in front of his brother, his mother and the hole Asgard to receive the claps.

    Odin was staying on the throne and was holdin Gungnir in his hands. He saw his two sons and watched the smile on the Thor's face and the anger on Loki's face.
    My sons. You were both born to be Kings. But only one of you will be. And I think we know who is the one.

    Sif was standing in the right on the third stair. She looked at Thor and saw how handsome he was, standing there and staring at him. He is so beautiful and such a good guy. He deserves to be the King of Asgard and he deserves to be a God.
    "Stop staring. It is too obvious" - she heard a man's voice which broke in her thoughts.
    Sif looked in her right and saw Hogun, one of her best friends.
    "You must stop doing this. I was not staring"
    Hogun started laughing.
    "You are right. You were just admiring Thor's muscles."
    Sif raised her eyebrows and moved her look on Thor. Yes he was good-looking. She just couldn't take her black eyes from him. Sif was wearing her gold armour with some black patterns.
    Her beautiful long hair was tressed, as a warrior from Asgard. For a moment she forgot about Hogun who was standing next to her, saying things to make her angry.
    "I have just lost myself for a moment. I really missed him." And I don't know if anyone missed him more than me.

    Mesaje : 15
    Data de inscriere : 01/06/2012
    Varsta : 28
    Localizare : Behind your screen

    Thor - I will not bow, I will fight until the end  Empty Re: Thor - I will not bow, I will fight until the end

    Mesaj  ~Pain~ Mar Iun 05, 2012 6:51 am

    Hearing Thor's words, Loki was to do nothing but burst into thousands of flames.
    " So you think you're better than me... brother? You might be Odin's other son but I do not back down even to you!"
    " Blast! I'll make my brother pay for this, I'll laugh at him when he'll be stroke by million of ogres in the plains of valor while I just stand enjoying his pain!"
    " Speak brother, the words of my close steps make it clear to you of how much I despise those shines that this day bears? " - Loki said determined to avenge his lost dignity
    " I heard that.. my father has brought the relic of Jotunheim in his struggle. Were I to have my hands on it.. ha ha ha! (dirty laugh ) I will have Asgard and it's throne by my feet!"
    Loki expected nothing but an arrogant, unworthy answer and as he was talking to Thor he was thinking only of what he was plotting.

    Frigga saw that Thor was no better than Loki, that he was looking for a fight and stepped back. Slowly and resting on her thoughts, she walked to the high table to stand by Odin's side. As she reached it she asked her husband:
    " Can you see them? Does your golden eagle eye reach the conflict of your sons?" - she said waiting for Odin's role between the two
    " I do not ask you to stop them, I ask your council, my husband. Loki is a foolish, unspoiled child that desires more than he rightfully deserves while Thor is the spoiled one, that wishes only what is ,by blood, his but those two silver heads have one thing that makes them brothers, their godly foolishness."
    " I hope your sight has not yet faded, husband for your sons will meet each other in battle as well and then even you will not be able to stop the clash of thunder and ice! " - she said wary as if the future was resting in her glowing eyes
    MaryBoleyn - Moderator
    MaryBoleyn - Moderator
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    Mesaje : 796
    Data de inscriere : 21/10/2011
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    Thor - I will not bow, I will fight until the end  Empty Re: Thor - I will not bow, I will fight until the end

    Mesaj  MaryBoleyn - Moderator Mier Iun 06, 2012 9:16 am

    Thor shook his head.
    "My brother, I missed you...Always in a competition and always trying to be the best."
    He smiled sincerely to his brother because he was really happy too see him and all his family.
    "I am not better than you, we are equal when it comes about the love of our father - at least this is what I like to think."
    He looked up to his father, but he didn't catch his sight.
    "But when it comes about power and magic...I can't say we are equal. We have never been and we will never be brother. I am not saying who is better than who. I am just saying that we will never be equal in this."
    Thor smiled to his brother and tried to absorb the envy which even him was feeling.

    Odin looked to his wife and smiled.
    "You said it. Look at them. They are fighting for what they think they have. But they don't have anything. Thor doesn't have the throne yet and Loki doesn't have the magic."
    He faked a smile, just thinking they will meet in a battle.
    "Nature and the real magic. They will kill each other and I won't be there to stop them."
    He thought more carefully about what his wife said.
    "Thor wasn't the spoiled one. Not by me. I have always been treating them the same. Thor is the one who gained his power by his own actions without cheating or using magic."
    "But I am proud of both of them even though only one will be the King of Asgard."

    Mesaje : 15
    Data de inscriere : 01/06/2012
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    Localizare : Behind your screen

    Thor - I will not bow, I will fight until the end  Empty Re: Thor - I will not bow, I will fight until the end

    Mesaj  ~Pain~ Mier Iun 06, 2012 10:25 am

    Loki did not have any reactions to what his brother had said. The only thing he thought about was his vengeance, his wish for vengeance was like a knife which stabbed the heart of a blood thirsty beast.
    " Brother, I desire nothing but your fall. Your smile means nothing to me, our father's smile means nothing to me!" - he said with venom in his voice while he was hasting
    " Baaah!.. Why is my brother like this.. Why?!.. Yet I do not give even a hand of wind to what he brings out of that rusty mouth of his. I need the throne, I need it.. And I will not falter till I see it by my feet! Not even to the all mighty Odin!"
    " Why don't we have words with our father, Thor? He should want to congratulate his son, doesn't your mind blow to this, brother?" - he mumbled as he took a tankard from the nearby table
    Loki was looking for a way to escape his brother's eye but he knew that his absence would be noticed the second he wasn't at the feast so he decided to stay, and shake his bones for some time till he could find out the place of what he had sought.

    Frigga was looking at Odin with a sharp eye and thought that, while there was truth in his words, that same truth was the one that made her heart beat slower.
    " They are.. living with each other, they are like two bricks, one holding the other with manly power.. and once one brick brakes, one brother will suffer a grief known only by those who have rowed on the river of tears. " - she said while pouring wine into a golden shiny tankard
    " Who steps on my thoughts is Thor for he's the one who cannot accept the lost of one who he gives a part of his heart to " - she said very aware of her son's feelings

    Volstagg's eye was only on the two brothers but he did not to barge. His ale was always better than the problems of those who share the flow of blood. He did not stop at one tankard but he drank twenty and in the end his head had fallen on the table, not to wake for two whole days.
    " Ha!.. I'm drunk again.. A good sleep will do the trick " - he said as he lost himself into the cloud of strong ale

    MaryBoleyn - Moderator
    MaryBoleyn - Moderator
    Published Writer.
    Published Writer.

    Mesaje : 796
    Data de inscriere : 21/10/2011
    Varsta : 40
    Localizare : Everywhere. 8->

    Thor - I will not bow, I will fight until the end  Empty Re: Thor - I will not bow, I will fight until the end

    Mesaj  MaryBoleyn - Moderator Joi Iun 07, 2012 7:15 am

    Thor looked at his brother with a disappointed and confused look at the same time.
    "You hate me that much, brother?"
    He got closer to him and put a hand on his haunch.
    "You really don't have feelings for me?"
    He just forgot that the hole Asgard was looking at him as to the King of Asgard. For that moment he wanted to be Thor Odinson, another person from Asgard. But he knew that this is not gonna happened. This weren't his wishes and that was not what he had been fighting for.
    "This should be our moment, Loki, not mine. Ours,brother."
    Just ours.


    Mesaje : 15
    Data de inscriere : 01/06/2012
    Varsta : 28
    Localizare : Behind your screen

    Thor - I will not bow, I will fight until the end  Empty Re: Thor - I will not bow, I will fight until the end

    Mesaj  ~Pain~ Vin Iun 08, 2012 11:21 am

    " You're asking me if I have feelings for you brother?" - Loki asked straightforwardly but at the same time hesitantly
    " This is not my moment but it is yours and I despise you deeply for that, for that is what my mind tells me but my heart whispers me otherwise. You remember brother? what I had told you back then? by the garden?: when our heart beats one hundred times when one sunshine crawls on the glowing glass here, in Asgard, while on Midgard, it beats a thousand times more when one sunshine makes haste on that same glass. I hope you know of what I speak.. - he said while grabbing Thor's shoulder
    Loki did not know what has got into him for one blink of an eye, while he felt his brother as a venomous poison ready to run through his veins, he felt his body shaking but this time not with blood intent but another feeling, one that did not want to fly away...
    MaryBoleyn - Moderator
    MaryBoleyn - Moderator
    Published Writer.
    Published Writer.

    Mesaje : 796
    Data de inscriere : 21/10/2011
    Varsta : 40
    Localizare : Everywhere. 8->

    Thor - I will not bow, I will fight until the end  Empty Re: Thor - I will not bow, I will fight until the end

    Mesaj  MaryBoleyn - Moderator Lun Iun 18, 2012 8:48 am

    Thor nodded and smiled perfectly. He didn't want to look back or around him to see the whole Asgard waiting for him to make the oaths. He just wanted to be with his brother in a way he had never been before.
    "Of course I remember. You know, brother, there are so many moments I will never forget."
    And it was the truth. In Thor's head, the picture of him and Loki, there, in a room where the light from the sun was seen so clearly. He had always been trying to imagine how is in Midgard. How is that planet full of people who drink other things and eat others.
    "And I asked you how is in Midgard. How they could live on that realm."
    He got closer and felt the breath of his brother. His lips almost touched Loki's ear when he whispered:
    "The answers are somewhere beyond the Bifrost, beyond my imagination. The answers are in Midgard and maybe, some day we will have them."

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    Thor - I will not bow, I will fight until the end  Empty Re: Thor - I will not bow, I will fight until the end

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      Data/ora curentă este: Lun Sept 16, 2024 12:41 pm